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Adopt a Family
Adopt a family, child, or children and purchase items from their wish list.

How it Works . . .

1) You tell me the age/ages and how many boys/girls you wish to shop for.

2) I match you with a family or child/children on my adoptee list. You'll be given a list of items with sizes (if applicable). Usually this comes out to be around 4-6 items per child to shop for.

* Note: The entire list is not mandatory but recommended as some children have siblings that someone else may have adopted so I keep the gifts equal within the families.

3) You shop for NEW items listed for the child you have been assigned to adopt.

4) Wrap the gifts and place a gift tag with the "To:" part filled out to the recipient. Leave the "From:" part blank.

5) Place the wrapped and tagged gift in black garbage bags so they can't be identified by the children.

6) Deliver to the appropriate agency.

7) If the caseworker is picking up gifts from you, I will schedule a day and time that is convenient for you.

To continue, contact:
Get your group or team together for a good cause.
To continue, contact:
Donate Money
Donate a monetary gift to be used directly to purchase requested items.
Make checks payable to: The Giving Door
Send checks to: The Giving Door, PO Box 532, Cary, IL 60013
Volunteer Your Time
Make deliveries directly to the adopted family or to the agency for caseworker delivery.
To continue, contact:
Spread the Word!
Talk up the program!! Maybe someone you share it with can help out in one of the areas above.